Have you known that one of the important thing for our body is SALT.
The Salt that we take in our food is a vital substance for the survival of all living creatures, particularly humans.
Water(H2O) and salt(NaCl) regulate the water content of the body. Water itself regulates the water content of the interior of the cell by working its way into all of the cells it reaches to cleanse and extract the toxic wastes. Salt forces some water to stay outside the cells.
The other way to explain this is that there are two oceans of water in the body; one ocean is held inside the cells of the body, and the other ocean is held outside the cells and Good health depends on a most delicate balance between the volume of these oceans, and this balance is achieved by SALT.
Salt is also crucial for the extraction of excess acidity from the cells in the body, particularly the brain cells. Salt is very important for the generation of hydroelectric energy in the cells in the body.
Do you know, Common Table Salt you buy from your grocery store is completely Bleached and Leached of all its minerals. Common Table Salt also includes additives including aluminum silicate (to make it free flowing), dextrose, bleaching elements, and other chemicals, making it POISONOUS for the body?
The WRONG type of salt is common table salt you get, its often
labeled as “ free flowing” or “refined salt” or “iodized salt”. The RIGHT type of salt is Natural salt that is unrefined crystal Rock salt.
You can find this at any health shop near you. In India most people call it “Sendha Namak” it is very light pinkish to white in color, and powdered from the crystal, make sure you check it says unrefined.
Crystal rock salt contains 84 of the 92 trace minerals known to man, and no other natural or man-made salt has this many minerals. In addition, the salt contains the minerals in the same proportions as the human body does, as well as the vital minerals such as calcium and magnesium.
All of these elements are crucial for good health, and keeping you free from dis- ease.
A small shift of changing the Salt in your home will make the biggest difference in the wellbeing of you and your loved ones.
Please Note: An adult requires no more than 6gms (approx 1teaspoon) per day.
Is salt really VITAL?
How To Improve Memory Power
1. Use Repetition - Repeating to yourself the thing you want to remember may be simple, but it really does work. Repeat a phone number several times, for example, and you should remember it for a short while.
This works even better if you "sing" it in your mind to engage other parts of the brain. To remember things long-term, repeat or review them several times upon learning them, then the next day, the day after that,
the the next week and the week after that.
2. Write It Down - Let the paper remember for you. The point is to
have use of the information later, and if that's more easily done by way of an "external memory
device" like pen and paper, why not take advantage of these tools?
Also, writing things down is another way to more strongly "fix" something in our minds.
3. Clear Your Mind - Sometimes to recall something you just need to relax and empty your mind of all the other stuff going on in there.
Take three deep and slow breaths through your nose and relax your muscles. Pay attention to the air
moving in and out of your nostrils. Afterward return to
whatever it is you need to recall or work on.
4. Feed Your Brain - This means feeding your body of course. Your brain needs a lot of energy, and will generally function better if you eat some good proteins and
complex carbohydrates. Trail mix, with nuts and dried fruit works
well for some. Fish has been shown to immediately speed up
brain function, as well as improve memory and other brain functions long-term improvement if eaten regularly. Also, the
distraction caused by hunger can interfere with your concentration and ability to recall things.
5. Drink Enough Fluids - Dehydration is not always recognized, and can both distract
you in ways that get in the way of clear thinking and memory, as well as more directly impacting the functioning of the brain. You can experiment to see if this is happening in your case. Just drink
a glass of water and note whether your mind seems to work better.
6. Exercise - Physical exercise has been shown to improve brain function both immediately (after
ten minutes on a treadmill, for example), and long term. The short-term effect is because of the immediate increase in blood flow
and therefore oxygen to the brain. The long-term improvement
in memory and other brain functions that come from regular
exercise may also be due to the physical improvement of the brain and body that comes from this
repeated increase in blood flow and oxygen.
7. Learn A Mnemonic Technique - There are many good memory
techniques for remembering names, numbers, lists of things and more. A simple list of items
can be "fixed" in your memory, for example, by linking them together in a crazy story that you visualize.
You can find some of these techniques (as well as other memory tips) covered here on the website and in the Brainpower Newsletter.
8. Imagine The Use - If you think about how you will use information, you're more likely to remember it. For example if after learning a new algorithm in a math class you imagine using it during a test, you'll probably remember it better - particularly when taking a test. Imagine
meeting someone again in the future and using his name, and you'll likely recall it when that does happen.
9. Avoid Toxins - Smoking is the obvious one here. Although it may actually help a person concentrate in the short-term, the damage smoking does may later hurt brain function in general,
including memory. Many prescription drugs and of course
illegal drugs can also have a negative effect.
10. Reduce Stress - When you're stressed, your body releases cortisol, which at high levels interferes with the part of the brain that handles recent
memories. Chronic stress has even been shown to cause brain shrinkage. Meditate or do other self-work to learn how not to be stressed out. This may be the most important of these tips on how to improve memory, good not only for the brain but for your whole body and life experience.