Universities in Bangladesh
Bangladeshi universities are
mainly categorized into three
different types - Public,
government owned and
subsidized universities, Private,
private sector owned universities
and International, mainly
operated and funded by
international organizations such
as OIC. Currently xx public, yy
private and zz international
universities are operating their
activities in Bangladesh.
University of Dhaka is the oldest
university of the country
established in 1921. Bangladeshi
universities are affiliated with the
University Grants Commission
(UGC), a commission created
according to the Presidential
Order (P.O. No 10 of 1973) of the
Government of People's Republic
of Bangladesh.
Universities in Bangladesh play
very important role in the over all
development of the country. This
is evident form the fact that the
students and teachers of the
Dhaka University which was
established in the year 1921, was
at the forefront of the national
liberation struggle that led to the
independence of the country.
There are at present 54 private
Universities in Bangladesh.
The University Grant Commission
of Bangladesh would in fact be
responsible for supervising and
maintaining the quality of
education in all the public and
private Universities of
Bangladesh, as it is the statutory
apex body in the field of higher
education in Bangladesh.
List of Universities in Bangladesh
Posted by Prajwal Rijal
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