Gastritis is an inflammation of the lining of the stomach. It causes severe discomfort to the patient suffering from this problem is also very commonly called “Heart Burn”. The most common symptom is abdominal upset or pain in the abdomen. There are many other symptoms other than abdominal pain. Indigestion, Abdominal bloating, Nausea and vomiting, Feeling of fullness, Burning in the upper abdomen.


1. Indigestion: Caused due to either excessive intake of food when compared to the regular levels or having food that the body is not used to. Indigestion can also be attributed to consumption of food at irregular timings. In this case the body is not prepared to digest food when ever food is partaken.

2. Excessive alcohol consumption which damages the liver and digestive system.

3. Prolonged use of anti- inflammatory drugs such as Ibruofen. Intake of such drugs in excess can damage the digestive system.

4. Indigestion can also occur in people who have undergone weight loss treatments which suggest very aggressive diet control schedules.

5. Weight loss surgical treatments can result in the banding for reconstruction of the digestive tract and damage the digestive system.

6. Stress has been one of the main reasons attributed to indigestion. It could be due physical stress caused due to over straining of the bones and muscles. Mental stress also can impact the functioning of the digestive system.

7. An irregular eating pattern which includes the type of food taken and the timing of the food taken.

8. Bacterial infections are very common reason for having a digestive system problem. Bad bacteria in the intestines can disturb the digestive track and cause indigestion.

Here are some simple steps that work on reducing gastritis :-

1. Too many different foods should not be mixed at the same meal.

2. Meals should be taken at least two hours before going to bed at night.

3. At least 8 to 10 glasses of water should be partaken every day.

4. And above all, haste should be avoided while eating and food should be served in a pleasing and relaxed atmosphere.

5. Practicing good physical exercise like walking for older people, jogging for middle aged people and swimming for younger people on a regular basis.

6. Practicing good mental exercises like pranayama which can relax the mind and body.