Mesothelioma is a rare and very serious form of cancer. The only known
cause of mesothelioma is exposure to asbestos. that develops from
cells of the mesothelium, the protective lining that covers many of
the internal organs of the body. The most common anatomical site for
mesothelioma is the pleura (the outer lining of the lungs and internal
chest wall), but it can also arise in the peritoneum (the lining of
the abdominal cavity), the pericardium (the sac that surrounds the
heart), or the tunica vaginalis.
Signs and symptoms of mesothelioma include shortness of breath due to
pleural effusion (fluid between the lung and the chest wall), chest
wall pain, and constitutional signs such as unexplained weight loss.
The diagnosis may be suspected based on chest X-ray and CT scan
findings, but must be confirmed either by examining serous effusion
cytology or with a biopsy (removing a sample of the suspicious
tissue). A thoracoscopy (inserting a tube with a camera into the
chest) can be used to acquire biopsy material, and allows the
introduction of substances such as talc to obliterate the pleural
space (a procedure called pleurodesis), preventing more fluid from
accumulating and pressing on the lung. Despite treatment with
chemotherapy, radiation therapy or sometimes surgery, mesothelioma
carries a poor prognosis. Research about screening tests for the early
detection of mesothelioma is ongoing.
It is not usually transferred from male to female by any sexual means
but, in the developing country such as south asia the house wifes wash
the clothes of their husband and similarly the wife washing the
husband clothes who work in the asbestos industry are likely to get
affected aswell.
As it is rare but a serious medical conditions so many companies that
used asbestos have set aside billions of dollars in trust funds to
compensate victims of this disease. They have introduced Mesothelioma
Law Firm that is recognized nationally in USA their representation of
product liability and mesothelioma victims, and for our understanding
of and compassion for injured parties and their families.
Posted by Prajwal Rijal
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