Every second, blood travels around our body through a series of pipes called arteries or veins. Blood carries oxygen and other vital chemicals around the body to all the organs and simultaneously collects waste and other toxins for eventual treatment and disposal. So, if one of our arteries/veins becomes blocked, causing a stoppage in the blood flow, our organs stop working and we collapse.

For a healthy heart, follow these simple steps.

First, to find out where you stand, I suggest you visit your local health clinic for a cholesterol test. This is a quick test (usually done by a nurse) to check the level of fat in your blood, and you should have it done at least once every two years.

Next, If this post has shown you that your lifestyle needs changing, then change it! Don't just ignore the situation and hope it will go away: it won't! So quit smoking, get down to a normal weight, start exercising regularly; don't take life too seriously and start eating properly.

Next, before you start a Healthy- Heart Diet, get organised! For example, in order to eat more fruit and less fat, I strongly advise you to invest in a juicer to make your own fruit juice, and a good non-stick frying pan to help you fry without fat.

And make a list of good foods to keep in the house. Remember: the worst mistake you can make is to run out of good things to eat!