Antibiotic Resistance – What is it?
Antibiotics – drugs that fight infections caused by bacteria
Antibiotic resistance – when bacteria acquired an ability to resist the effectiveness of the drug to which it is normally susceptible.
How it happens?
Bacteria causes interruption or disturbance of one or more of the steps of antimicrobial action result in partial or complete loss of antibiotic effectiveness
Bacteria survive antibiotic control and continue to multiply into resistant strains
Antibiotic Resistance
Resistant bacteria usually have a gene that makes the antibiotic ineffective
Surviving bacteria will replicate
Bacteria have plasmids that allow genes to move between different types of bacteria
Bacteria that was previously susceptible to antibiotic now have the resistant gene
Dead bacterial cells give off DNA that can be incorporated into living bacteria allowing it to become resistant

Origin of Drug Resistance

A. Genetic

i. Chromosomal

ii. Extra chromosomal

B. Non-genetic basis


i. Chromosomal

- resistance may be acquired by spontaneous mutation in the gene that code for either the target of the drug or the transport system in the membrane

Example: Mutation in the PBP – making bacteria resistance to ß- lactam drugs

ii. Extra chromosomal/Plasmid mediated resistance:

Bacteria have some plasmids( R factors) that carry gene for a variety of enzymes that can degrade antibiotics and modify membrane transport system.
This plasmids allow resistance genes to move between different types of bacteria
Bacteria that was previously susceptible to antibiotic now have the resistant gene
Gene transfer occur by following mechanisms-
Transduction-transfer of cell DNA by bacteriophage.
Conjugation transfer of genetic material from one bacteria to others by sex pili
Transformation - Dead bacterial cells give off DNA that can be incorporated into living bacteria allowing it to become resistant
Plasmid mediated resistance is very important from a clinical point of view for three reasons-

i. plasmid frequently mediate resistance to multiple drugs.

ii. plasmid have a high rate of transfer from one cell to


iii. it occurs in many different species

B. Non-genetic basis of drug resistance

There are several non-genetic reasons for the failure of drugs to inhibit the growth of bacteria

1. Bacteria can be walled off within an abscess

cavity –so the drug cannot penetrate effectively

2. Bacteria can be in a resting state

3. Loss their cell wall survive as protoplast

4. Failure of the drug to reach the appropriate

site in the body

5. Failure of the patient to take the drug

( noncompliance)

Mechanisms of Drug Resistance

1. Bacteria produce enzyme that inactivate drug

ß-lactamases inactivate penicillin & cephalosporin

2. Decreased permeability to drug or increased elimination of drug from cell

acquired or mutation

3. Change in drug receptors/ altered antimicrobial targets

mutation or acquisition

4. Change in metabolic patterns

mutation of original enzyme

5. Any combination of mechanisms 1 through 5

Contributing Factors to Resistance
Overuse in humans
ØUse multiple antibiotic when one would be sufficient
ØPrescribe unnecessarily long courses of antibiotic therapy
ØUse antibiotic in self limited infection
ØOver use antibiotics for prophylaxis before and after surgery
Animal and agricultural use
ØUsed in animal feed to prevention/treatment of infection and growth promotion
ØEvidence of resistant strains in livestock
Factors contributing to the emergence and dissemination of antimicrobial resistance among bacteria:
1. Emergence of ‘new’ genes( e.g. MRSA, VRE)
2. Spread of ‘old’ genes to new host( penicillin resistant N. gonorrhoeae)
3. Mutation of ‘old’ genes resulting in more potent resistance gene
4. Emergence of intrinsically resistant opportunistic bacteria ( e.g. Stenotrophomonas maltophilia)
Prevention of Antibiotic Resistance
1. Prevent transmission

2. Use antimicrobial wisely –

Only use an antibiotic when they are likely to be beneficial
Treat infection not contamination or colonization
Do not save any of your antibiotic prescription
Stop the treatment when infection is cured or unlikely

3.Diagnose & treat effectively

Appropriate drug should be use( correct regimen, timing, dosage, route & duration)

4.Prevent infection

Get the catheters out

Antibiotic Susceptibility test
Main purposes:

As a guide for treatment

- to select both effective antimicrobial drug & dose

As an epidemiological tool

The emergence of resistant strains of major pathogens (e. g. Shigellae, Salmonella typhi)
Continued surveillance of the susceptibility pattern of the prevalent strains (e. g. Staphylococci, Gram-negative bacilli)

Laboratory antimicrobial susceptibility testing can be performed using:

1. Drug dilution method

2. Disc diffusion method

1. Drug dilution method

making dilutions (2-fold) of antibiotic in broth
followed by inoculation of test bacteria, incubation, overnight

2. Disc diffusion method (Kirby-Bauer method)

Put a filter disc, containing measured quantity of drugs, and placed on a plate of sensitivity testing solid medium that has been seeded with test bacteria
Broth dilution/ Agar dilution methods
Permit quantitative results:
Indicating amount of a given drug necessary to inhibit (bacteriostatic activity) or kill (bactericidal activity) the microorganisms tested
This provides physician to choice of both the drug and dose
Drug dilution method results commonly reported as MIC & MBC
Minimum Inhibition Concentration (MIC)
The lowest concentration of antimicrobial agent that can inhibits bacterial growth/ multiplication
Minimum Bactericidal Concentration (MBC) or Minimum Lethal Concentration (MLC)
The lowest concentration of antimicrobial agent that required to kill bacteria.

Making dilutions (2-fold) of antibiotic in broth
Mueller-Hinton, Tryptic Soy Broth
Inoculation of bacterial inoculum, incubation, overnight
Controls: no inoculum, no antibiotic
Turbidity visualization à MIC
Subculturing of non-turbid tubes, overnight
Growth (bacterial count) à MBC
Disadvantages :
Only one antibiotic & one organism can be tested each time
Time-consuming & laborious
Disc diffusion method : The Kirby-Bauer test
Antibiotic-impregnated filter disc*
Susceptibility test against more than one antibiotics by measuring size of “inhibition zone
1949: Bondi and colleaguesà paper disks
1966: Kirby, Bauer, Sherris, and Tuck à filter paper disks
Demonstrated that the qualitative results of filter disk diffusion assay correlated well with quantitative results from MIC tests

(Modified Kirby-Bauer method: National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards. NCCLS.)

Prepare applx. 108 CFU/ml bacterial inoculum in a saline or tryptic soy broth tube (TSB) or Mueller-Hinton broth (5 ml)
Pick 3-5 isolated colonies from plate
Adjust the turbidity to the same as the McFarland No. 0.5 standard.*
Streak the swab on the surface of the Mueller-Hinton agar (3 times in 3 quadrants)
Leave 5-10 min to dry the surface of agar
Place the appropriate drug-impregnated disc on the surface of the inoculated agar plate
Invert the plates and incubate them at 35 oC, o/n (18-24 h)
Measure the diameters of inhibition zone in mm
Interpretation of results
By comparing with the diameters with “standard tables

Intermediate susceptible
Low toxic antibiotics: Moderate susceptible
High toxic antibiotics: buffer zone btw resistant and susceptible
Salient features of quality control
Use antibiotic discs of 6 mm diameter
Use correct content of antimicrobial agent per disc
Store supply of antimicrobial discs at -20 oC
Use Mueller-Hinton medium for antibiotic sensitivity determination
Use appropriate control cultures
- Keep the antibiotic discs at room temperature for one hour before use
- Incubate the sensitivity plates for 16-18 hours before reporting
- Incubate the sensitivity plates at 35oC
- Space (2mm) the antibiotic discs properly to avoid overlapping of inhibition zone
- Measure zone sizes precisely
- Interpret zone sizes by referring to standard charts